- ISBN : 0451529251
- 출판사 : Signet
- 출판일 : 20040302
- 저자 : Emily Bronte
● ● Considered lurid and shocking by mid-19th-century standards, Wuthering Heights was initially thought to be such a publishing risk that its author, Emily Bronte, was asked to pay some of the publication costs. A somber tale of consuming passions and vengeance played out…
Wuthering Heights (Paperback)
5.0 윤-진 괜찮습니다. 2010.05.08
5.0 김-원 고등 올백 기출문제집 국어 (하) 650 2010.03.24
5.0 홍-미 Wuthering heights! 2009.03.11
5.0 서-원 정말대단한책 2008.07.29
5.0 김-은 폭풍의언덕 2008.07.14