- ISBN : 0071410945
- 출판사 : McGraw-Hill
- 출판일 : 20030201
- 저자 : Young, James Webb
● A McGraw-Hill Advertising Classic A Technique for Producing Ideas reveals a simple, sensible idea-generation methodology that has stood the test of time. First presented to students in 1939, published in 1965, and now reissued for a new generation of advertising professionals and others looking to jump-start their creative juices, this powerful guide details a five-step process for gathering inf…
A STEP-BY-STEP TECHNIQUE FOR SPARKING BREAKTHROUGH CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING–OR ANY FIELD간결하면서도 깊은 뜻을 함축하고 있는 이 책은 인생이라든지, 사회적 책임 따위 문제를 처리해 나가는데, 저자가 풍부한 자력을 가지고 일할 수 있었던 힘의 원천이 무엇이었는가를 알려주는…
A Technique for Producing Ideas (Paperback)
5.0 김-준 괜찮네요. 2010.07.06