- ISBN : 9781292026022
- 출판사 : Prentice Hall PTR
- 출판일 : 20030315
- 저자 : Geankoplis, Christie J.
● Appropriate for one-year transport phenomena (also called transport processes) and separation processes course. First semester covers fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer second semester covers separation process principles (includes unit operations). The title of this Fourth Edition has been changed from Transport Processes and Unit Operations to Transport Processes and Separation Process Pri…
Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (4th New International Edition)
4.0 이-민 전공책이라서 원래 좋은 책인데요 2010.03.09
5.0 심-수 전공이니깐 2009.03.23
5.0 이-련 좋아요 ㅋ 2009.03.10