- ISBN : 9783836520775
- 출판사 : Taschen
- 출판일 : 20100601
- 저자 : Norman Mailer,McCann, Colum
● And the Moon came nearer…A unique tribute to the defining scientific mission of our timeMoonFire is the greatest book I have ever seen. The photography is unparalleled… It is more than just a book, it is an experience. ? David Schonauer, American PhotoIt has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met …
quotAnd the Moon came nearer…quotx0Dx0DA unique tribute to the defining scientific mission of our timex0Dx0DquotMoonFire is the greatest book I have ever seen. The photography is unparalleled… It is more than just a book, it is an experience.quot ? David Schonauer…
MoonFire: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11 (Hardcover)