- ISBN : 3527325972
- 출판사 : Wiley-VCH
- 출판일 : 20091012
- 저자 : Cademartiri, Ludovico/ Ozin, Geoffrey A./ Lehn, Jean-Marie (FRW)
● Authored by a rising star in the field and one of its pioneers, this textbook is ideal for interdisciplinary courses ? bridging chemistry, materials science, physics and biology. Adopting a completely new and visionary approach, this is a unique learning tool, focusing on just six concepts crucial for understanding nanochemistry surface, size, shape, self-assembly, defects and the interface of bi…
Authored by a rising star in the field and one of its pioneers, this textbook is ideal for interdisciplinary courses - bridging chemistry, materials science, physics and biology. Adopting a completely new and visionary approach, this is a unique learning tool, focusing on…
Concepts of Nanochemistry (Paperback)