- ISBN : 9780748763658
- 출판사 : CRC Press
- 출판일 : 20030609
- 저자 : Anderson, J. C./ Leaver, K. D./ Leevers, P./ Rawlings, R. D.
● This fifth edition of a successful textbook continues to provide students with an introduction to the basic principles of materials science over a broad range of topics. The authors have revised and updated this edition to include many new applications and recently developed materials.The book is presented in three parts. The first section discusses the physics, chemistry, and internal structure o…
Each chapter in this text on materials science begins with a summary of the uses of the materials discussed. Particular attention is given to mechanical, electrical and electronic applications of polymers. A full treatment of the applications of electronic materials is also…
Materials Science for Engineers (Paperback / 5th Ed.)