- ISBN : 9781420051728
- 출판사 : CRC Press
- 출판일 : 20080331
- 저자 : Hoi-Jun Yoo, Kangmin Lee, Jun Kyong Kim
● Chip Design and Implementation from a Practical Viewpoint Focusing on chip implementation, Low-Power NoC for High-Performance SoC Design provides practical knowledge and real examples of how to use network on chip (NoC) in the design of system on chip (SoC). It discusses many architectural and theoretical studies on NoCs, including design methodology, topology exploration, quality-of-service guara…
Chip Design and Implementation from a Practical Viewpointx0Dx0DFocusing on chip implementation, Low-Power NoC for High-Performance SoC Design provides practical knowledge and real examples of how to use network on chip (NoC) in the design of system on chip (SoC). It…
Low-Power NoC for High-Performance SoC Design (Hardcover)