- ISBN : 9780470040935
- 출판사 : Wiley
- 출판일 : 20110503
- 저자 : Theodore Millon
● Now in its Third Edition, this book clarifies the distinctions between the vast array of personality disorders and helps clinicians make accurate diagnoses. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the changes in the forthcoming DSM-5. Using the classification scheme he pioneered, Dr. Millon guides clinicians through the intricate maze of personality disorders, with special attention to chang…
Now in its ltigtThird Editionlt/igt, this book clarifies the distinctions between the vast array of personality disorders and helps clinicians make accurate diagnoses. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the changes in the forthcoming DSM-5….
Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal (Hardcover / 3rd Ed.)