- ISBN : 9783805583701
- 출판사 : KARGER
- 출판일 : 20080915
- 저자 : Jean Regis
● Acoustic neuroma outcomes have been greatly improved by advances in microsurgical techniques, and recently by the long-term application of radiosurgery, which has proven to be an appropriate, verifiable, and extremely clinically relevant treatment strategy. This volume brings together the latest opinions of outstanding physicians and surgeons who treat patients with acoustic neuromas, commonly kno…
[해외주문원서] 고객님의 요청으로 수입 주문하는 도서이므로, 주문취소 및 반품이 불가합니다. (단, 재고부족인 경우는 가능)
Modern Management of Acoustic Neuroma (Hardcover / 1st Ed.)