- ISBN : 9781476733043
- 출판사 : Washington Square Press
- 출판일 : 20130101
- 저자 : Buck, Pearl S,펄 S. 벅(Pearl Sydenstricker Buck)
● ● Though more than sixty years have passed since this remarkable novel won the Pulitzer Prize, it has retained its popularity and become one of the great modern classics. quotI can only write what I know, and I know nothing but China, having always lived there,quot wrote Pearl Buck….
The Good Earth (Paperback)
4.25 김-람 작은사이즈의 책이네요 참고하세요 싸서샀더니 사이즈가 작습니다. A4용지 절반보다 약간 작은사이즈의 책입니다. 지하철간에서 읽기에는 좋겟네요 2013.02.15