- ISBN : 9781584350804
- 출판사 : MIT Press
- 출판일 : 20090707
- 저자 : Invisible Committee
● Thirty years of crisis, mass unemployment, and flagging growth, and they still want us to believe in the economy…We have to see that the economy is itself the crisis. Its not that theres not enough work, its that there is too much of it.–from The Coming InsurrectionThe Coming Insurrection is an eloquent call to arms arising from the recent waves of social contestation in France and Europe….
Thirty years of quotcrisis,quot mass unemployment, and flagging growth, and they still want us to believe in the economy…We have to see that the economy is itself the crisis. Its not that theres not enough work, its that there is too much of it.–from The Coming…
The Coming Insurrection (Paperback)