- ISBN : 1111349304
- 출판사 : Cengage Learning
- 출판일 : 20110504
- 저자 : Laraine E. Flemming
● Incorporating a wealth of practice exercises and high-interest readings, Reading For Thinking, International Edition focuses on improving reading skills at the micro-level and moving on to the macro-level. Flemming uses a carefully designed sequence of explanations and exercises that allows students to approach critical reading as a natural extension of essential comprehension skills, rather…
Incorporating a wealth of practice exercises and high-interest readings, READING FOR THINKING, International Edition focuses on improving reading skills at the quotmicro-levelquot and moving on to the quotmacro-level.quot Over half of the book is devoted to evaluating, drawing…
Reading for Thinking (Paperback/ 7th International Ed.)
4.625 김-정 일반영어 공부할 때 도움이 되는 책인거같아요^^ 2015.01.26
5.0 김-원 좋은 책 감사합니다. ^^ 2014.09.19