- ISBN : 9780547338002
- 출판사 : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- 출판일 : 20130416
- 저자 : Antoine de Saint-Exupery
● Saint-Exuperys The Little Prince has earned millions of fans worldwide as an imaginative, dreamy study of the meaning of life. How horrible to be a grown-up-they all seem to be needy, lonely, vain, or power-hungry. All the Little Prince cares about is being useful to the flower hes left behind on his very small planet, with only a few thorns to protect her from the world. Sfars comic-book illus…
Saint-Exuperys The Little Prince has earned millions of fans worldwide as an imaginative, dreamy study of the meaning of life. How horrible to be a grown-up?they all seem to be needy, lonely, vain, or power-hungry. All the Little Prince cares about is being useful to…
The Little Prince (Hardcover)