- ISBN : 9781859645710
- 출판사 : Garnet Education
- 출판일 : 20101231
- 저자 : Sue Argent,Olwyn Alexander
● Access EAP Foundations Written by the authors of the highly successful EAP Essentials, the first part of this two-level course teaches academic language and competence to pre-intermediate and intermediate learners. Access EAP Foundations is based on real student life and prepares students for the tasks that they will face while doing an English-medium higher education degree. Each unit follows t…
Written by the authors of the highly successful EAP Essentials, the first part of this two-level course teaches academic language and competence to pre-intermediate and intermediate learners.Access EAP Foundations is based on real student life and prepares students for the…
Access EAP Foundations 1: Teachers Book (Paperback)