- ISBN : 3642365019
- 출판사 : Springer
- 출판일 : 20130612
- 저자 : Alexander N. Sencha,Elena V. Evseeva
● This book is an ideal manual on the use of modern ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast pathology. It provides a comprehensive overview of current ultrasound techniques and explains the advantages and pitfalls of various ultrasound imaging modalities. Detailed attention is devoted to breast carcinoma, with guidance on differential diagnosis and presentation of pre- and postoperative ultrasound app…
This book is an ideal manual on the use of modern ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast pathology. It provides a comprehensive overview of current ultrasound techniques and explains the advantages and pitfalls of various ultrasound imaging modalities. Detailed attention is…
Breast Ultrasound (Hardcover)