- ISBN : 0131433202
- 출판사 : Prentice Hall
- 출판일 : 20040601
- 저자 : Julia F. Guy
● Conveniently organized by body regions, written completely in outline format to be the perfect companion for introductory human anatomy. This instructional book is complemented with illustration keys so the visual image of the structure, its name and its purpose in that anatomical position can be related. All basic human anatomy topics organized by body regions Lower Limb Upper Limb Head Neck…
Conveniently organized by body regions, written completely in outline format to be the perfect companion for introductory human anatomy. This instructional book is complemented with illustration keys so the visual image of the structure, its name and its purpose in that…
Learning Human Anatomy - A Laboratory Text and Workbook (Spiral-Bound / 3rd Ed.)