- ISBN : 0815345518
- 출판사 : Garland Science
- 출판일 : 20160401
- 저자 : Murphy, Kenneth/Weaver, Casey
● Janeways Immunobiology is a textbook for students studying immunology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. As an introductory text, all students will appreciate the books clear writing and informative illustrations, and advanced students and working immunologists will appreciate its comprehensive scope and depth. Janeways Immunobiology presents immunology from a consistent…
Janeways Immunobiology is a textbook for students studying immunology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. As an introductory text, students will appreciate the books clear writing and informative illustrations, while advanced students and working…
Janeways Immunobiology (Paperback/9th Ed.)
5.0 이-수 좋습니다 2020.04.07
5.0 정-정 면역학의 기본기를 다지기 위하여 구입했습니다. 면역학 전문가가 되는 그 날까지 화이팅! 2020.03.23