- ISBN : 9781292039145
- 출판사 : Pearson
- 출판일 : 20131101
- 저자 : Hartle, James B.
● Einsteins theory of general relativity is a cornerstone of modern physics. It also touches upon a wealth of topics that students find fascinating?black holes, warped spacetime, gravitational waves, and cosmology. Until now, it has not been included in the curriculum of many undergraduate physics courses because the required math is too advanced. The aim of this ground-breaking new text is to brin…
The aim of this groundbreaking new book is to bring general relativity into the undergraduate curriculum and make this fundamental theory accessible to all physics majors. Using a quotphysics firstquot approach to the subject, renowned relativist James B. Hartle provides a fluent…
Gravity (Paperback)