- ISBN : B018QS13FI
- 출판사 : 몰스킨 (Moleskine)
- 출판일 : 20160518
- 저자 : Moleskine (COR)
● MoSk 12 Batman Hard Purple Wkly Planner The legend is on the move urban hero Batmans villian the Joker has landed on the cover of the Moleskine Notebook. This violet pocket weekly notebook is silkscreened with the Joker on its hard cover. Whichever side youre on, theres a notebook for you. This weekly notebook runs from January to December 2017 and includes themed stickers, with further detai…
Moleskine 2017 Batman Limited Edition Weekly Notebook, 12M, Pocket, Violet, Hard Cover (Calendar)