- ISBN : 9783131319128
- 출판사 : Thieme Medical Publishers
- 출판일 : 20170104
- 저자 : Behrbohm, Hans/ Tardy, Eugene
● Essentials of Septorhinoplasty Philosophy-Approaches-Techniques, Second Edition, integrates the functional and aesthetic aspects of complex nasal surgery to address both cosmetic and breathing issues that often occur simultaneously. Fully revised and updated, this new edition covers surgery of the septum, open rhinoplasty techniques, and closed endonasal techniques, as well as anatomy, diagnosis …
Essentials of Septorhinoplasty Philosophy-Approaches-Techniques, Second Edition, integrates the functional and aesthetic aspects of complex nasal surgery to address both cosmetic and breathing issues that often occur simultaneously. Fully revised and updated, this new…
Essentials of Septorhinoplasty (Hardcover)