- ISBN : 9780847848706
- 출판사 : Rizzoli Intl Pubns
- 출판일 : 20161011
- 저자 : Zukowsky, John/ Johnson, Gary T. (FRW)/ Chicago History Museum (COR)
● Building Chicago presents the best of this countrys first city of architecture. Colloquially known as Americas second city, Chicago is widely regarded as this countrys crown jewel when it comes to architecture. The roster of masters who have helped shape its skyline and streetscape stands as a whos who of the architectural pantheon from the last two hundred years, from Louis Sullivan, Daniel…
Building Chicago presents the best of this countrys first city of architecture. Colloquially known as Americas quotsecond city,quot Chicago is widely regarded as this countrys crown jewel when it comes to architecture. The roster of masters who have helped shape its skyline and…
Building Chicago (Hardcover)