- ISBN : 9781506702285
- 출판사 : Dark Horse Books
- 출판일 : 20161025
- 저자 : Dice Studios (COR)
● As the Great War wages, heretofore inconceivable engines of destruction shake the ground and pierce the sky. Cavalries charge across the smoky landscape, legions of riders and beasts locked in a fierce new form of combat. This is the war to end wars. This is Battlefield.Dark Horse Books is proud to present The Art of Battlefield, collecting hundreds of pieces of art chronicling the production of E…
As the Great War wages, heretofore inconceivable engines of destruction shake the ground and pierce the sky. Cavalries charge across the smoky landscape, legions of riders and beasts locked in a fierce new form of combat. This is the war to end wars. This is Battlefield….
The Art of Battlefield 1 (Hardcover)