- ISBN : 9781608876433
- 출판사 : Insight Editions/Incredibuilds
- 출판일 : 20161129
- 저자 : Grosser, Jordan
● Grab your friends and get cooking in the land of Ooo with Adventure Time The Official Cookbook, featuring recipes from all your favorite characters and kingdoms. In the Founders Island Library, Finn discovered the remains of an old cookbook filled with dishes such as “lasagna” and “boiled eggs.” And he was pretty sure that the cookbook had belonged to his mom at some point. Weird.But a lot of th…
Adventure Time: The Official Cookbook (Hardcover)
4.0 김-영 책 포장이 많이 허술한거 같아요 책이 손상된 부분은 없지만 박스 안에 책 하나 그 위에 에어쿠션 하나…더 꼼꼼한 포장 부탁드립니다 그리고 책은 정말 좋네요 2018.04.17