- ISBN : 9781604067644
- 출판사 : Thieme Medical Pub
- 출판일 : 20120523
- 저자 : Friedman, Rick A. (EDT)/ Slattery, William H. (EDT)/ Brackmann, Derald E. (EDT)/ Fayad, Jose N. (EDT)
● It is an insightfully organized text of advanced surgical techniques that will assist any training or practicing surgeon caring for those with acoustic schwannomas and other skull base pathology. – Young Neurosurgeons NewsWritten by leading skull base surgeons from the renowned House Clinic in Los Angeles, California, Lateral Skull Base Surgery The House Clinic Atlas is a much-needed reference …
Written by leading skull base surgeons from the renowned House Clinic in Los Angeles, California, Lateral Skull Base Surgery The House Clinic Atlas is a much-needed reference that contains detailed descriptions of the techniques used in lateral skull base surgery. This…
Lateral Skull Base Surgery (Hardcover)