- ISBN : 9780763694074
- 출판사 : Candlewick Pr
- 출판일 : 20170905
- 저자 : Cousins, Lucy/ Cousins, Lucy (ILT)
● ● Kids who love vehicles and the sounds they make will steer toward this interactive book featuring dozens of flaps.x0Dx0DMaisy is going for a ride in her car. Who will she meet as she goes? Theres Dotty driving her tractor (Chug, chug!), Peacock on his bicycle (Ding…
Beep, Beep, Maisy! (Hardcover / Board Book)
5.0 김-선 탈것 좋아하는 아이들에게 추천해요. 허수아비 옷 속에 숨은 거미찾기를 제일 좋아해요. 2020.09.11