- ISBN : 9789813132788
- 출판사 : Longman
- 출판일 : 20180101
- 저자 : John Wiltshier, Helgesen, Marc/ Brown, Steven, Rost, Michael
● ● English Firsthand is the best-selling oral communication series that has been supporting ELT teachers and students for more than 25 years. It helps students build success and confidence through hands-on active learning. The series was designed to help students learn English…
English Firsthand 2 : Student Book (Paperback+CD/ 5th Ed.)
5.0 조-희 좋습니다 2021.03.12
4.0 김-상 good!!!!!!!!!!!! 2014.07.07
5.0 박-늘 학교교재로 샀어요 ㅎ 2012.09.07
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5.0 김-현 좋아요 ㅋㅋㅋ굿이에요 ㅇ 2010.04.04
5.0 고-희 역시 인터파크 2010.03.08