- ISBN : 0822216795
- 출판사 : Dramatist’s Play Service
- 출판일 : 19980601
- 저자 : Calarco, Joe
● ● A refreshing contemporary adaptation of Shakespeares tragedy In an exclusive boys boarding school, where students are forbidden to read Romeo Juliet, four students put on a secret production of the play which brings violence, betrayal, lust, love and mortality into…
Shakespeares R J (Paperback)
5.0 임-영 가독성이 떨어진다는 평이 있지만 그래도 내가 본 연극 알앤제이와 비슷한 엔딩이라 구입했어요 열심히 추억을 떠올리며 읽고 있어요 2021.02.09