- ISBN : 9780141330167
- 출판사 : Penguin Books
- 출판일 : 20180301
- 저자 : Austen, Jane
● When two rich young gentlemen move to town, they dont go unnoticed - especially when Mrs Bennett vows to have one of her five daughters marry into their fortunes. But love, as Jane and Elizabeth Bennett soon discover, is rarely straightforward, and often surprising. Its only a matter of time until their own small worlds are turned upside down and they discover that first impressions can be the m…
오만과 편견은 읽으면 읽을수록 더욱더 찬탄하고, x0D또 우러러보게 되는 작품이다. 러디어드 키플링 x0Dx0D결혼을 둘러싼 당대의 물질지향적인 세태와 허위의식을 날카롭게 풍자해낸 제인 오스틴의 대표작 오만과…
Pride and Prejudice (Paperback)