- ISBN : 9814846384
- 출판사 : Cengage Learning College
- 출판일 : 20200224
- 저자 : Nina Hyams,Robert Rodman,Victoria Fromkin
● Whether you are studying education, languages, cognitive science, psychology, anthropology, English, or teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE, 11th Edition, offers the information you need in a clear and descriptive manner that assumes no prior knowledge of linguistics. This edition retains the blend of humor and broad coverage that have made the text a perennia…
Whether you are studying education, languages, cognitive science, psychology, anthropology, English, or teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE, 11th Edition, offers the information you need in a clear and descriptive manner that assumes no…
An Introduction to Language (Paperback/ 11th International Ed.)