- ISBN : 0763622281
- 출판사 : Candlewick Press
- 출판일 : 20050712
- 저자 : Sabuda, Robert/ Sabuda, Robert (ILT),Reinhart, Matthew/ Reinhart, Matthew (ILT)
● ● From renowned pop-up masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart comes an awe-inspiring tribute to the worlds most beloved extinct animals and their 180-million-year reign on our planet.Open this book and a massive T. REX springs out, flashing a startling jawful of jagged…
Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs: The Definitive Pop-Up (Hardcover)
5.0 김-근 괜찮아요괜찮아요괜찮아요 2010.12.11
5.0 이- 공룡 좋아하는 아들녀석에게 딱 좋아요. ^^ 2009.11.23
5.0 구-이 조카에게 선물하려 샀는데, 너무 좋아해요. 2007.01.03