- ISBN : 9780135178454
- 출판사 : Pearson
- 출판일 : 20190601
- 저자 : Julie Schmidt 외
● StartUp is the new general English course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it.
This innovative eight-level, multi-skills course is a complete language program. It motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is a flexible blended course that includes the Pearson Practice English App that takes learners from the page to mobile learning anywhere, anytime. It brings the world into the classroom and takes the classroom into the world, putting learners at its center.
#Startup Student Book with App and Myenglishlab, L2
z*** 학교 교재여서 샀는데 정말 쉬워요 2023-09-06 09:38:19.65134
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