- ISBN : 9781380003188
- 출판사 : Macmillan Education
- 출판일 : 20180112
- 저자 : Miles Craven
● Breakthrough Plus is a successful American English series which is popular in Asia and Latin America due to its communicative approach. It is ideal as a general English course for young adults, particularly in universities. Breakthrough Plus 2nd Edition includes a blend of print and digital components similar to the previous edition and also includes a new print Workbook.
The course has been updated with around 30% new content, with redesign, new print workbooks, and the addition of new presentation skills and videos.
The components include print and digital students books, teachers book and presentation kit, print workbooks, and students and teachers resource centres are available in various component packs across different regions.
#Breakthrough Plus 3(Students Book)
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