- ISBN : 9781646140893
- 출판사 : Levine Querido
- 출판일 : 20211012
- 저자 : Higuera, Donna Barba
“The Last Cuentista is heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once, and centers family, community, and the oral histories that keep us together.”-Tor.com,“The Last Cuentista is heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once, and centers family, community, and the oral histories that keep us together.”-Tor.com,A beautifully told story of what makes us human. - Minneapolis Star Tribune,A beautifully told story of what makes us human. - Minneapolis Star Tribune,Petra Pe?a is twelve when she and her family board one of the last ships leaving Earth just before its imminent destruction by comet. As the remaining Earthlings struggle to survive, all of the cuentos - stories - Petra grew up listening to will turn out to be more powerful than she could have imagined in this thrilling and hopeful work of science fiction.- Boston Globe,Petra Pe?a is twelve when she and her family board one of the last ships leaving Earth just before its imminent destruction by comet. As the remaining Earthlings struggle to survive, all of the cuentos - stories - Petra grew up listening to will turn out to be more powerful than she could have imagined in this thrilling and hopeful work of science fiction.- Boston Globe,Truly good childrens books engage and entertain while also helping young readers come to understand themselves and the complicated world they live in. The best picture, middle grade and young adult books of 2021 deftly rise to that challenge, telling stories about identity, allyship and more… Donna Barba Higueras The Last Cuentista asks kids to consider the danger of adopting dogmatic beliefs without questioning authority figures. - Time Magazine,Truly good childrens books engage and entertain while also helping young readers come to understand themselves and the complicated world they live in. The best picture, middle grade and young adult books of 2021 deftly rise to that challenge, telling stories about identity, allyship and more… Donna Barba Higueras The Last Cuentista asks kids to consider the danger of adopting dogmatic beliefs without questioning authority figures. - Time Magazine,[STAR] “A strong, heroic character, fighting incredible odds to survive and protect others.”- School Library Journal (starred),[STAR] “A strong, heroic character, fighting incredible odds to survive and protect others.”- School Library Journal (starred),[STAR] “Gripping, euphonious, and full of storytelling magic.”- Publishers Weekly (starred),[STAR] “Gripping, euphonious, and full of storytelling magic.”- Publishers Weekly (starred),[STAR] “Higuera spins a tale that crosses the depths of space, interweaving Mexican folklore with a mystical strand of science fiction.”- Kirkus (starred),[STAR] “Higuera spins a tale that crosses the depths of space, interweaving Mexican folklore with a mystical strand of science fiction.”- Kirkus (starred),“Readers will find in The Last Cuentista a promise that the past is not the enemy of the future, but a gift that grants the perspective to meet that future with compassion and bravery.” - Bookpage,“Readers will find in The Last Cuentista a promise that the past is not the enemy of the future, but a gift that grants the perspective to meet that future with compassion and bravery.” - Bookpage,[STAR] “Pura Belpr? Honor-winning author Donna Barba Higuera (Lupe Wong Wont Dance) deftly blends Mexican folklore with science fiction in this thrilling and emotional post-apocalyptic novel.”-Shelf-Awareness (starred),[STAR] “Pura Belpr? Honor-winning author Donna Barba Higuera (Lupe Wong Wont Dance) deftly blends Mexican folklore with science fiction in this thrilling and emotional post-apocalyptic novel.”-Shelf-Awareness (starred),The brilliance of Higueras narrative is that it shows rather than tells us the power of story. As Petra shares her tales and they guide her shipmates out of darkness, readers will find corners of their own hearts illuminated as well. This book is gripping in its twists and turns, and moving in its themes - truly a beautiful cuento.” - New York Times,The brilliance of Higueras narrative is that it shows rather than tells us the power of story. As Petra shares her tales and they guide her shipmates out of darkness, readers will find corners of their own hearts illuminated as well. This book is gripping in its twists and turns, and moving in its themes - truly a beautiful cuento.” - New York Times,Clever and compelling . wonderfully subversive.” - The Wall Street Journal,Clever and compelling . wonderfully subversive.” - The Wall Street Journal,
● Winner of the John Newbery Medal Winner of the Pura Belpr? Award
TIMEs Best Books of the Year Wall Street Journals Best of the Year Minneapolis Star Tribunes Best of the Year Boston Globes Best of the Year BookPages Best of the Year Publishers Weeklys Best of the Year School Library Journals Best of the Year Kirkus Reviews Best of the Year Bank Streets Best of the Year Chicago Public Librarys Best of the Best New York Public Library Best of the Year A Junior Library Guild Selection Cybils Award Finalist
From Pura Belpr? Award winner and Newbery Medalist, Donna Barba Higuera–a brilliant journey through the stars, to the very heart of what makes us human.
Gripping in its twists and turns, and moving in its themes - truly a beautiful cuento.–New York Times Clever and compelling . wonderfully subversive.–The Wall Street Journal ★ This tale packs a wallop. Exquisite.–Kirkus Reviews (starred) ★ Gripping, euphonious, and full of storytelling magic.–Publishers Weekly (starred) ★ A strong, heroic character, fighting incredible odds to survive and protect others.–School Library Journal (starred) Hab?a una vez . . . There lived a girl named Petra Pe?a, who wanted nothing more than to be a storyteller, like her abuelita. But Petras world is ending. Earth has been destroyed by a comet, and only a few hundred scientists and their children - among them Petra and her family - have been chosen to journey to a new planet. They are the ones who must carry on the human race. Hundreds of years later, Petra wakes to this new planet - and the discovery that she is the only person who remembers Earth. A sinister Collective has taken over the ship during its journey, bent on erasing the sins of humanitys past. They have systematically purged the memories of all aboard - or purged them altogether. Petra alone now carries the stories of our past, and with them, any hope for our future. Can she make them live again?
#The Last Cuentista - 2022년 뉴베리 대상수상작
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