- ISBN : 9783540222590
- 출판사 : Springer-Verge
- 출판일 : 20061120
- 저자 : Mark G. Cowling
● This volume focusses on the current evidence surrounding the use of endovascular therapy. It updates and complements the earlier Medical Radiology volume on the Radiology of Peripheral Vascular Diseases. Some background information is provided on vascular biology and the facilities required for safe endovascular practice, along with guidance on consent issues. Further chapters deal with endovascul…
[해외주문원서] 고객님의 요청으로 수입 주문하는 도서이므로, 주문취소 및 반품이 불가합니다. (단, 재고부족인 경우는 가능)
Vascular Interventional Radiology: Angioplasty, Stenting, Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy (Hardcover)